Get to know Fructino
Fructino is a Polish hazelnut production and trading company with roots in a region with long-standing hazel-growing tradition.
The company was established in 2005 by professionals with 30 years of in-depth expertise and know-how in the cultivation and protection of plantations. Because of this unique experience combined with the collaboration with our suppliers, we are able to meet even the most stringent quality standards. Therefore, we can provide top quality products for the consumers. Our values are the foundation of our life philosophy, our way of conducting business, and our approach to the company brand, our partners and collaborators.
Our mission is to promote Polish hazelnuts on the global market.
Choose quality
The experience gained over the years allows us to select high-quality products. We carry out domestic and overseas orders. Each offer is flexibly adjusted to individual customer expectations.

Choose Fructino hazelnuts
We buy hazelnuts from growers with A to Z customer support. The goods are collected using our own means of transport in ventilated jumbo bins, ensuring efficient loading without bagging. Our customers are provided with mechanical hazelnut harvest and cleaning services.
We have years of hands-on experience to prove our expertise. Let’s do business together!
Welcome to the new version of our website.
Wkrótce rozpoczynamy sezon. Zapraszamy!
Sadzonki leszczyny Gospodarstwo Sadowniczo-Szkółkarskie Jakub Potębski tel: 792 711 681
FRUCTINO Dorota Potębska
Rybczewice Drugie 79
21-065 Rybczewice
woj. lubelskie
tel/fax +48 81 585 44 51
tel. kom. +48 606 714 810
NIP 7131377973
REGON 060013148